viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Chichén-Itzá and The Roman Coliseum


Chichen-Itza is a of the sites archaeological main of Mexico. This is located in Thinum, in the state of Yucatan.

Chichen-Itza is a of the sites archaeological main of Mexico. This is located in Thinum, in the state of Yucatan. Is a trace important of the civilization Maya.

The god that chairs the site, according with mithology Maya , is Kukulkan,must be said that Chichén-Itzá was a city and a center ceremonial.

The seven of july the 2007 was recognized as a of the new seven wonder of the world.

The decline of Kukulcan.

Is a pyramid of four sides that ends in a temple. Have 55 meters of width and 24 meters of height. Each side have 91 steps, plus one step more for to arrive to the temple, in total 365 steps , one for each day of the year. In the based of each side have two heads of snakes feathered, representatives the god Kukulcan. 
Is in this steps where projecting the shades forming a snake in the day the equinox, that the pass of the hours seems to go descending.

The Roman Coliseum

The Roman Coliseum    was built in the center of the city of Rome. Is a of the monuments more famous of the classical antiquity. Was declares a seven wonder of the world  the 7 of july of 2007.

In the antiquity possessed 80 rows of benches .   Below  were the emperor and the senators.   
In the coliseum had place struggles of gladiators and shows public.

The coliseum was used for more of 500 years.  After came the fall of the roman empire.

In the actuality  is a of the attraction turist more popular of the modern Rome.

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